Give me the camera, Nikole
The mind's eye is The Heron's doorway Lets see if you can make it a mirror The Heron: There are many things to know about The Heron--nothing about itself of course. But it has it's nature; slipping between thin walls. It is marble, it is clay, it is the dirt buried in your blood. She is alone. Her good leg shakes underneath the desk she sits at. Her other leg is numb. Bile rises in her throat as she sifts through the papers. She is alone. She is always alone. It has always been her fault. She knows it, and she drowns in it This is how This is how she learns to breathe H: I can still see you | I look through your eyes too. She covers her eyes Open your eyes, Nikole. The camera shifts to her dining room. Her boy is at the table. She is alone. He smiles and she begins to sob a prayer to a god she doesn't believe in H: Do you hear me yet? A man stands in the kitchen. Water is boiling on the stove. His hand is wax in the hot water. He turns to you: (he stays silent) Is He Alive?
Poor Dr. Nikole
Cold evening
Scene #1